Descriptions and properties

Septarian natural stone treated as a pebble. It comes from a mine in Madagascar. It is used for massages (wellness), crystal therapy or simply as a beautiful decoration for surgeries, offices, residential or business premises. The name comes from the Latin word septem (translated as seven) because the stone always breaks on seven different sides. In our language, the names Septaria or Septarijan are also known for this crystal. Each semi-precious stone has a different appearance (imagery), dimensions and shades of color. Colors: yellow, brown, white and transparent. Location: MadagascarSymbol: concentration, pragmatism and balance The land we live on. It increases self-confidence and trust, thus helping us to overcome conflict situations, intolerance and disappointments. It helps us adapt to new ideas and situations.

Obsidian is a mineral named after the Roman Obsius, who discovered it in Ethiopia and brought it to Rome. Due to its structure, it was easy to process and was used to make machines, knives and weapons. Nowadays, it is used to make jewelry and surgical scalpels. There are several types of Obsidian, the most common of which are: Snow Obsidian, Mahogany Obsidian and Rainbow Obsidian. The most prized Obsidian is the "Tear of the Apache" which is completely black and has beautiful rainbows. This stone is said to be the tears of American Indian women who shed for their men. There is also the term Obsidian or Obsidian for this stone. Color: black, black with snowflakes, brown, gray, glassy Horoscope: Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn Spiritual meaning: snowy obsidian gives us self-confidence and strength in difficult situations, especially when we lose hope and ground under the feet. It harmoniously combines physical and spiritual energy. It helps us understand our own life and direct it in the right direction. Its black color indicates the strong energy of the Earth and the white represents spiritual light. Obsidian mahogany: Color: brown to red, with black spots, glass luster Horoscope: Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn Spiritual meaning: Obsidian mahogany develops acumen, concentration and logical thinking. Placed under the pillow or near the bed, it relieves fear, tension and nervousness, eliminates confusion, and is therefore an excellent stone for pupils and students taking exams. Obsidian cleaning: obsidian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a container with water, preferably with a rock crystal. Obsidian charging: obsidian crystal is charged directly in the sun, preferably in the morning and early evening or overnight in a dry container with a rock crystal.

Malachite derives its name from the Greek words malache or malachos, meaning full green or soft. In the event of danger, it is believed that malachite will disintegrate as a warning sign. It is called a trade stone because it has a positive effect on business relationships and increasing wealth. That is why it is believed that small pieces placed in the corners of the business premises or in the cash register attract customers. In the past, malachite powder was used to make a beautiful green paint. The Egyptians used it for make-up. The largest deposits are in the countries: Zaire, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Congo, USA, Russia, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua, India, China, Israel and Wales in Great Britain. Color: green with black patterns, silky luster Spiritual meaning: malachite is a symbol of femininity, erotic prohibitions, fantasy and constant changes. Since ancient times, it has symbolized female erotic qualities - especially attractiveness, seduction and curiosity. In ancient Egypt, it was valued as a stone of hope and trust. The reflection and overflow of its light and dark colors symbolizes that everything changes and that we should live in harmony with the changes, in order to understand the beauty of life and try to enjoy it. Life is full of opposites without which we cannot live. The play of its colors develops various fantasies. It teaches us the primacy and bad sides of life, as a tax on bad experiences that have greatly influenced our life, from which we must draw instructive lessons. It awakens in us a strong love for nature and directs us to live with its laws. In addition, malachite is a stone of creativity. With it, we remove blockages that prevent us from enjoying the intense beauty of life. Malachite neutralizes emotional problems and gives peace and harmony to the soul. It deeply breaks down problems and permanently eliminates them. It helps us to show our opinions and feelings in public. Malachite cleaning: malachite is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water. After cleaning with water, it should be dried. Some recommend cleaning it in a dry bowl with hematite. Malachite charging: malachite is sensitive to direct sunlight and heat, so it is charged only for a few hours in daylight with rock crystal, in the shade or out of direct sunlight. It can also be charged during the full moon overnight in a container with rock crystal. Horoscope: Scorpio, Capricorn Some recommend cleaning it in a dry bowl with hematite. Malachite charging: malachite is sensitive to direct sunlight and heat, so it is charged only for a few hours in daylight with rock crystal, in the shade or out of direct sunlight. It can also be charged during the full moon overnight in a container with rock crystal. Horoscope: Scorpio, Capricorn Some recommend cleaning it in a dry bowl with hematite. Malachite charging: malachite is sensitive to direct sunlight and heat, so it is charged only for a few hours in daylight with rock crystal, in the shade or out of direct sunlight. It can also be charged during the full moon overnight in a container with rock crystal. Horoscope: Scorpio, Capricorn

Agate is a stone of prosperity and new beginnings. The exceptional properties of crystals and their positive effect on humans have been known for thousands of years. Their medicinal properties, healing power and value were recognized by the ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations, who used them to make amulets and to treat various health problems. Experiences and knowledge about crystals have been passed down throughout history, and many legends about their use have survived to this day. One of them says that crystals were brought to Rome from Olympus and that they represent and balance all the properties of the sun: birth, growth, warmth. The ancient Egyptians, with the help of vessels, carved from crystals, ordinary water was transformed into the sacred. Enriched with crystal properties, the water had healing powers. Traditions also say that the Egyptians crushed crystals into fine powder, which they would mix with water, brown, red, white, yellow, orange, purple, gray, and black. There are also rarer specimens that, due to their composition, turn into several different colors. More than 150 types of agate are known today. Some of the most famous specimens are: Black agate protects against negative energy, attracts luck and success. The action of this stone helps eliminate various phobias, promotes strength and courage. White agate is also known as the "stone of peace". . This stone brings balance and harmony to all areas of life. It is an excellent aid for removing fears, restlessness, anxiety, panic attacks, as well as for eliminating negative emotions such as anger, rage, sadness. It protects against melanoma and is therefore recommended to be worn during increased exposure. the sun's rays. Mossy agate Stone of well-being and new beginnings. It is known as the "stone of wealth" because it attracts wealth and abundance. This stone protects, strengthens self-confidence and courage, promotes harmony and positive emotions, neutralizes phobias, restlessness and stress. It helps in the treatment of addiction. Botswana agate It is also known as the "stone of change". because it brings positive changes into the life of the person who wears it. This crystal helps in the treatment of addiction and depression. It is an excellent detoxifier, helps the body recover from diseases, strengthens sexual energy, protects the heart, has a positive effect on the circulatory system and the skin. Many crystals they are used in crystal therapy (treatment with crystals), but there are few that are used for the treatment of the whole body. Agate is one of the few crystals that are beneficial for the whole organism. Horoscope: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. Agate cleaning: the agate is emptied under a stream of running water, once a week for about 3-5 minutes. Agate charging: agate is charged overnight in a container with rock crystal. All types of agate, except fire agate, can be recharged in the sun indefinitely.

It was named by Georgius Agrigola in 1564 after the Latin name "Serpens" or snake. According to legend, the Romans used the Serpentine stone as protection against sorcery and black magic. In ancient civilizations, the Serpentine crystal was considered a guardian of vital energy, as well as a protector of the soul from invisible forces. It was worn as one of the 12 stones on the chest of the Hebrew priests. The Egyptian goddess Udjat was depicted as a winged cobra with a crown, spewing venom at anyone who wanted to harm the pharaoh. The old Austrians, even a thousand years before Christ, believed that Serpentine brings good luck and that it affects peaceful sleep, and gives hospitality, joy, a beautiful body and health. Only some of the varieties of this crystal are used to make jewelry. Given that Serpentine is not a sufficiently well-known mineral on the market is often sold as Jade-Jadeite. The city of Bera in the Indian province of Punjab has been known for centuries for the production of decorative and useful objects (vessels, swords and daggers) and jewels from a relatively pure form of green Serpentine (Bovenite) from Afghanistan. Color: depends on the subgroup of the mineral, Antigorite-Bovenite is bright apple-colored. Lizardite is white, yellowish or green in color. Appearance: matte, greasy to the touch, depending on the subgroup of minerals. Serpentine stone has a relaxing effect and removes the fear of change. That is why it is called the stone of changes and new beginnings. It strengthens self-confidence and self-confidence and teaches us to trust our intuition in situations where you do not have clear information or when others want to deceive you. It is a very strong source of energy that gives a sense of protection and emotional balance. The semi-precious stone Serpentine helps us to meditatively and emotionally cleanse ourselves. It enhances the meditative state. It frees the wearer from lethargy. Serpentine is a stone of protection against snake bites and snake venom. If worn as a protective amulet or talisman, it works against all poisonous creatures, strengthens intuition and warns and protects us from various dangers. It brings peace and harmony. It is treated as a protector of life energy and guardian of the soul from invisible dangerous forces. Serpentine protects against evil tongues and scandals. It is considered a good stone for business success and finances. It attracts love and money. It is believed that the light green Serpentine has gentle vibrations that connect us with the angels. It opens visions from past lives. It helps us to understand the sins committed in past lives and thus more easily establish the correct foundations of the current, new life. It gives us an increased sense of control over life. Serpentine cleansing: Serpentine is cleaned once or twice a month, for five minutes under a stream of lukewarm water and then placed in water for two hours. Serpentine filling: when it is removed from the water, Serpentine is cleaned with a dry cotton cloth. After that, put it to charge overnight in a dry container next to the Mountain Crystal. Best during strong moonlight. If the stripes on it change color, then it should be charged more often. Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius

The goddess Isis protected the dead on the way to the afterlife with the "Tet" carnelian amulet. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it for signet rings and jewelry. Muslims call it the stone of Mecca and believe that the name of Allah engraved on carnelian increases courage and that they will Allah will grant all wishes if they wear such a stone. Spiritual meaning: Carnelian has the ability to purify other stones. A stabilizing stone with high energy. Excellent for stimulating creativity, restoring vitality and motivation. It gives courage, encourages positive choices in life, removes apathy, motivates for success in everything, gets to the core of what moves you. Carnelian is full of life force and vitality. Carnelian is a crystal that symbolizes the vital, bright energy of the Earth. It contains the colors of the sunset and connects us with the beauty and power of the Earth. It awakens natural laws in us and the way to live with them. It teaches us to fully experience today and all its joys. His earthly strength gives us motivation for a more active life. It wakes us up from lethargy, gives us vitality and helps us find our way in life. It enhances creativity, individuality, relieves jealousy, anger and fear. It is believed that carnelian is a stone of happiness, fulfillment of desire, eases sadness and protects against neuroses. Color: orange, yellow, orange-red, often striped, silky shiny Horoscope: Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Virgo Carnelian maintenance: Carnelian cleaning: carnelian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water together with a rock crystal. Carnelian filling: carnelian is filled indefinitely in direct sunlight. His earthly strength gives us motivation for a more active life. It wakes us up from lethargy, gives us vitality and helps us find our way in life. It enhances creativity, individuality, relieves jealousy, anger and fear. It is believed that carnelian is a stone of happiness, fulfillment of desire, eases sadness and protects against neuroses. Color: orange, yellow, orange-red, often striped, silky shiny Horoscope: Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Virgo Carnelian maintenance: Carnelian cleaning: carnelian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water together with a rock crystal. Carnelian filling: carnelian is filled indefinitely in direct sunlight. His earthly strength gives us motivation for a more active life. It wakes us up from lethargy, gives us vitality and helps us find our way in life. It enhances creativity, individuality, relieves jealousy, anger and fear. It is believed that carnelian is a stone of happiness, fulfillment of desire, eases sadness and protects against neuroses. Color: orange, yellow, orange-red, often striped, silky shiny Horoscope: Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Virgo Carnelian maintenance: Carnelian cleaning: carnelian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water together with a rock crystal. Carnelian filling: carnelian is filled indefinitely in direct sunlight. It is believed that carnelian is a stone of happiness, fulfillment of desire, that it relieves sadness and that it is a protector against neuroses. Color: orange, yellow, orange-red, often striped, silky shiny Horoscope: Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Virgo Care of carnelian: Carnelian cleaning: carnelian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water together with rock crystal. Carnelian filling: carnelian is filled indefinitely in direct sunlight. It is believed that carnelian is a stone of happiness, fulfillment of desire, that it relieves sadness and that it is a protector against neuroses. Color: orange, yellow, orange-red, often striped, silky shiny Horoscope: Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Virgo Care of carnelian: Carnelian cleaning: carnelian is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water together with rock crystal. Carnelian filling: carnelian is filled indefinitely in direct sunlight.

Hematite is a mineral whose name comes from the Greek word haima, which translates as blood. When it is put in water, the water turns red. The ancient Babylonians knew the power of hematite and it was a valued talisman for luck and success. In ancient Egypt, a piece of hematite was placed under the head of the deceased to facilitate their transition to the afterlife. The Egyptians used it to make various amulets for the treatment of madness and inflammation. The Romans associated him with the god Mars and he protected them during battles and believed that they were invincible. North American Indians used it to make red face paint and used it as a medicine against toothache, pimples and fever. Tibetans put it around the neck of people who were prone to nosebleeds. In the Orient, it warned its bearers against danger and protected virgins from spells and magic. Only since the Middle Ages has it become a material for making brooches, signet rings and bracelets. It is mostly used in metallurgy for making steel and alloys. Today, hematite is still used as an abrasive for polishing jewelry and lenses, and as a catalyst in some industrial syntheses. The largest deposits are in the USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, Chile and Australia. In Europe, it is found in the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Sweden. Color: metallic black, steel gray, opaque, metallic luster Hematite is the basic stone of the earth's energy, its vibrations bring life force, energy and vitality. It brings us inner peace, a feeling of warmth and the protection of Mother Earth. It helps in critical situations when we are exhausted or seriously ill, so that it activates our hidden reserves and strengthens the body with new life energy. Hematite directs our attention to elementary needs. It brings us mental organization, is very down-to-earth and soothing, activates our will and determination for positive action. It balances the body, mind and spirit, encourages fundamental and original thinking, logic, improves memory. In combination with rose quartz, it is traditionally a good remedy against insomnia. Hematite cleaning: hematite does not tolerate water and is therefore cleaned very briefly under running water. Hematite charging: we charge hematite directly and unlimitedly in the sun Horoscope: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn hematite does not tolerate water and is therefore cleaned very briefly under running water. Hematite charging: we charge hematite directly and unlimitedly in the sun Horoscope: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn hematite does not tolerate water and is therefore cleaned very briefly under running water. Hematite charging: we charge hematite directly and unlimitedly in the sun Horoscope: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn

Topaz is a prized semi-precious stone named after the island of Topasos in the Red Sea. It is a rare, valuable and valued mineral. The largest deposits are in the following countries: Brazil, USA, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Mongolia, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Germany and Australia. Greenish-blue crystals were also found in Croatia on Moslavačka gora. It is mostly used to make expensive jewelry. Yellow and orange specimens are considered the most valuable. Golden-yellow Topaz in the 19th century was mostly mined in Russia in the Ural region, and it was dedicated only to the royal family. The name Imperial Topas originates from that time. It is also mentioned in the Bible as the second stone on the armored shield of the high priest Aaron, and as the ninth foundation in the wall of the New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation. Saint Hildegard of Bingen in the twelfth century used its elixir to treat tired and weakened eyes and vision, so that she left it in wine for three nights and made poultices from this solution. One of the interesting things is that the Portuguese Royal Crown contains 1,600 ct of transparent Topaz. Color: colorless, yellow, golden yellow (Imperial Topaz), pink, blue, red, orange, purple, brown. Colorless Topaz is very similar to Diamond and is often used as its imitation. It is transparent to partial transparency, has a white scratch and glassy luster. In the past, topaz has been attributed with various miraculous effects. For men, it was used to develop reason, nobility and potency, and for women it would bring love and fertility. The airiness of blue Topaz calms our thoughts and acts as a salve on wounds. It helps overcome doubt and uncertainty. Its flickering energy brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is traditionally known as the stone of love and happiness. Contributes to the successful achievement of goals. It helps us discover our own inner riches and makes us feel confident in ourselves, but also encourages us to share our happiness and spread joy around us. It strengthens and stimulates the nerves and the entire metabolism. It is an ideal semi-precious stone for meditation and connecting with the higher self. It encourages living in accordance with one's own aspirations. Topaz cleaning: Topaz crystals are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, especially blue Topaz, and are cleaned under a jet of lukewarm water. The jewelry is kept in a dry container together with the Hematite crystals. Topaz charging: Topaz is charged for a short time out of contact with the sun's rays or during the night with the stones of Mountain Crystal.

Jade is one of the most widespread minerals and comes in many colors. Until 150 years ago, experts used the same name for two very similar, but remarkably different minerals in terms of chemical composition - jadeite and nephrite. The name Jade originates from the Spanish conquistadors, the word piedra de ijada means stone of the cross or piedra de los rinones - kidney stone. They believed it protected against kidney disease. Jade - Jadeite has been used since ancient times to make weapons and various tools. Jade is the most valued semi-precious stone of the Far East, where it is valued as a stone of peace and love due to its harmonious properties. Through Jade, the Chinese express the five best human qualities: wisdom, justice, charity, modesty and determination. In China, it is a favorite for making decorative items and jewelry. The Chinese call it yu - which means something valuable. It symbolizes heaven, earth and man. They believed that it guards the dead, which is confirmed by the many remains of Jade in the old imperial tombs. Among the ancient Egyptians, Jade was a stone of love, inner peace, harmony and balance. In the Arab world, he is a protector against evil. For Mexicans, it is a symbol of tender love. Currently, the most valued is "Imperial Green Jade", which is recognized by its emerald green color and high level of transparency. Currently, the largest deposits of jadeite are located in California, Burma, New Zealand, China, Tibet, India, Japan, Australia, New Guinea, USA, Guatemala, Colombia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, France and Switzerland. Color: light to dark green but also white, yellow, brown, purple and black. Jade crystals are found in various colors, of which green is the closest to the heart. It is a stone of love on all levels and in all forms. It brings peace in emotional life, harmony, the joy that comes from small things, develops tender emotions and tolerance towards relatives and loved ones. The spectrum of its green colors develops meditation, exploring the depth of the soul and finding oneself. On a psychological level, it regulates internal balance, helps keep a cool head, calms tension and increases concentration. It removes prejudices that burden communication, develops activity and dynamics. The gentle vibrations and high frequency of jade harmonize our entire organism. It relieves nightmares, soothes sleep, treats headaches and migraines, prevents excessive sweating. Jade cleaning: Jade is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a container with water. Jade charging: Jade can be recharged indefinitely in direct sunlight (except purple jade).

Tourmaline is the richest mineral on our planet. It has been known for over 1400 years, but it was only described for the first time in 1524. In our language it is also known as Tourmaline shell, but the exact origin of that word is not known. It is assumed that it bears the old name of the German village Schrol or today's place Zschorlau. Color: most often dark-colored, almost black, but it can vary in the range of brown, purple, green, pink, and it can also be two-colored - pink-green Tourmaline due to its great richness of minerals is among the most effective crystals. Its strength lies in breaking organic, emotional, mental and spiritual blockages that prevent us from living healthy and clean lives. Due to its pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties, Tourmaline has the best power of purifying energy and the most effective healing power among crystals. It leads us to the dark parts of the subconscious, where it breaks, frees and throws out blockages that weigh us down so that energy can flow freely. Turamalin is the strongest protective stone that exists. As an envelope, it protects us from all external influences, especially from cosmic and terrestrial radiation, preserves pathogenic zones, protects us from human negative forces. It is an ideal crystal for the bedroom, which it totally purifies and thus ensures a peaceful sleep (together with rose quartz and rock crystal). .Helps us see and correct our own mistakes. Tourmaline relieves nervousness, tension, stress, fear and obsession. Tourmaline is very useful for the garden and for plants. It can act as a natural insecticide, keeping pests at bay, and buried in the ground, it promotes the growth and health of crops. Psychologically, Tourmaline helps you understand yourself and others, takes you deep into your inner self, encouraging confidence and reducing fear. It removes any sense of victimhood and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and progress. Tourmaline is a powerful mental healer, balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and transforms negative thought patterns into positive ones. Tourmaline removes the emotional dysfunction that lies behind the loss of libido. Physically, Tourmaline reduces tension, which is useful for aligning the spine. It balances male and female energy in the body. Tourmaline cleaning: Tourmaline is cleaned 1-2 times a month, briefly under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a container with water and together with a rock crystal. Tourmaline charging: all types of Tourmaline can be charged indefinitely in direct sunlight. (necklace or bracelet should be filled in a dry container together with hematite crystals and rock crystal). Horoscope: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius

Red Jasper, like other Jaspers, belongs to the Chalcedony group. It is formed in rock cavities as a result of cooling of hot magma with gases and vapors. It often occurs in entire blocks in mountain valleys and riverbeds. It crystallizes in the trigon system. The largest deposits of Red Jasper are in South Africa, India, Brazil, Russia, Madagascar and Egypt. In Europe, there are well-known sites in Germany (Idar-Oberstien, Löhlbach), the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The price of Red Jasper on the market primarily depends on the quality and location. Because of its attractive colors, it is often used for making jewelry and decorations. Color: brick red to red brown, opaque, matte. The color of red jasper is formed by iron oxides in flint. Hardness: 6.5 - 7 on the Mohs scale. Red jasper symbolizes vital life energy. Its earthy color activates our will, determination and endurance. Stabilizes and balances energy. According to old traditions, it was called the mother of all stones. It is believed to transmit elemental strength, wisdom, patience from the Earth we live on. Its powerful vibrations purify energy, give us modesty, compassion, patience and the desire to do good deeds. That is why they call it the stone of chastity and righteousness. He is a guide and an interpreter of our dreams. Known for its general presence, Jasper is mentioned by the Greeks, Hebrews, Assyrians and Latin literature, and it is also mentioned in the manuscripts of the Harappa culture of the Indus Valley. Stones with engraved patterns and inscriptions were widely used in Antiquity. Carvings from many types of jasper were popular and were used as talismans and amulets. Sometimes they were used for personal jewelry, but Jasper carvings had mostly a more important function - they served as protection or magical means, protecting the wearer from diseases, accidents, demons and evil in the afterlife. For example, the Egyptians carved scarabs from Red Jasper as a symbol of eternal life. An amulet in the shape of a snake's head, usually made of red stones such as Red Jasper or carnelian, protected against snake bites and symbolized the power of the great snake goddess Isis. Since man learned to carve, Jasper was a favorite stone. In the New Testament, Jasper is mentioned as one of the cornerstones of the New Jerusalem. Undoubtedly, the ancient Egyptians, contemporaries of the Israelites, contributed to the introduction of most jasper handicrafts to the modern world, because they highly valued and preserved it as a valuable material. It was often used for signet rings and stamps that served as a form of identification. Stone seals can be compared to today's credit cards. In the Middle Ages, Jasper was said to accelerate thought and action, while at the same time ensuring caution and avoiding unnecessary risk. Also used by medieval physicians to aid in diagnosis, Jasper was thought to ward off evil spirits and to treat fever, high fever, dropsy, epilepsy, as well as prevent snakebite. Red Jasper cleaning: Jasper is cleaned under a stream of lukewarm water or in a bowl of water overnight, preferably with a rock crystal. Red Jasper charging: Jasper is not sensitive to light, so we can charge it indefinitely in the sun.
Mountain crystal - protector of your space

It had many uses in ancient cultures. It was used to decorate, protect, heal people and clean the space. The Indians used it in the rituals of invoking rain. The Romans attributed to it divine energy that enriches man with strength, courage and wisdom. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods would not deny help to anyone who entered the temple comes with a rock crystal in his hands. The famous Celtic elixir was made from water in which nine pieces of crystal were boiled. It was believed that drinking this water for nine days in a row maintains health and restores the body. Multiple ways of using rock crystal have been preserved to this day, but and the belief that its presence brings happiness and well-being. It is known as a symbol of innocence, purity of thought, modesty and faithfulness. It protects against negative radiation. Mountain crystal has the ability to absorb negative energy. This is precisely why it is often used to make decorative objects intended for energetic cleaning and stimulation of space. It protects against negative radiation caused by underground water, as well as radiation from electronic devices such as televisions, computers, mobile phones. It works on the clarity of thoughts and intentions, helps in focusing, correct perception and solving problems. It successfully removes negative intentions and thoughts, and promotes positive feelings such as happiness, satisfaction, love, understanding. It reduces stress and promotes physical, emotional and spiritual strength. It adapts perfectly to the person who owns it and contributes to absolute balance with its action. It is recommended to have it in the house because it has a positive effect on the space and cures it of all forms of negative energy.

A symbol of family connection, love and joy, it got its name from the Latin word lapis (stone) and the Arabic word azula (blue). In many cultures, it was considered a symbol of wisdom and truth and was revered as a holy stone. The ancient Romans valued it for its strong aphrodisiac properties, and in the Middle Ages it was believed that the possession of this crystal frees the soul from various sins. It is known as one of the oldest stones used for jewelry making and decoration. Lapis lazuli is the most expensive color of all time. Originally from Afghanistan, until 1814 it was only available in its natural form, which was worth more than its weight in gold. Its powder was used by artists to obtain a beautiful azure blue color that was used in painting, as well as to decorate various works of art, temples and tombs. Appearance and composition: Lapis lazuli is an opaque stone of light blue, dark blue or blue violet color. It is dotted with golden dots of the mineral pyrite, and it is the percentage of pyrite in the rock that determines the density of the pattern of attractive golden dots. In addition to pyrite, lapis lazuli also contains a slightly smaller percentage of calcite. and sodalite and a fairly large proportion of lazurite. It can be found in various shapes, and the most famous and sought-after are the round and oval specimens. According to the Mohs scale, its hardness is about 5.5 and is therefore included in the group of less hard crystals. Meaning: Lapis lazuli has a positive effect on the body and mind and helps in achieving physical and mental harmony. He is especially famous as a strong protector of interpersonal relationships. It has a positive effect on love, fidelity and strength of marriage. It brings positive changes to homes where there is a lack of love, tolerance, understanding and communication. It encourages creativity, frees intuition and contributes to spiritual peace and stability. It stimulates honesty and openness, thus helping to strengthen friendly relationships. Ancient legends say: if you present this crystal to a loved one as a sign of friendship, it will bind you to that person in a special way for life, in all circumstances and occasions. Lapis lazuli is of particular help in moments of difficult decisions. It raises the level of self-awareness, encourages, directs and helps when making decisions. It helps in facing the truth and recognizing and accepting its lessons. It contributes to a clearer perception of one's own abilities and actions. It eliminates negative thoughts and stress. It is also known as the "jewel of joy" because it stimulates positive emotions and neutralizes sadness, anxiety, restlessness and tension. According to popular belief, lapis lazuli has the ability to repel negative energy directed towards the person who owns it. It successfully raises and maintains the body's energy because it has the ability to eliminate energy "enemies" such as stress, nervousness, irritability, insecurity, fear and negative thoughts. In addition to having positive effects on spirituality and mental functions, this crystal also helps with many health problems. It is known as a crystal that strengthens immunity and stimulates metabolism. According to some claims, if it is worn on a necklace in the form of a larger pendant, and at the level of the thyroid gland, it regulates its work. When you wear it to work, in the form of jewelry, or place it as a decoration in the workplace, it ensures success, prosperity and business recognition. Cleaning and filling: Clean the lapis lazuli by rinsing it under running lukewarm water. It needs to be emptied once a month, during the night. in a container with pieces of hematite crystal. It is filled with a rock crystal or in the moonlight, during the full moon. Lapis lazuli is among the most valued semi-precious stones, so it is advised to handle it carefully and gently because it is sensitive to shocks, scratches, high temperatures and various chemicals . Horoscope: as for the preference for the zodiac stone, astrologers are sure that lapis lazuli will suit every sign of the zodiac

Volcanic lava is a molten mass of rock ejected from a volcano during an eruption. When it is initially squeezed out of the opening, it is in a liquid state and has a temperature of 700°C to 1200°C. Although lava is quite viscous, with a viscosity about 100,000 times that of water, it can flow great distances before it cools and solidifies, thanks to its thixotropic properties and shear thinning. Nowadays, volcanic lava-stones are used for various medicinal cures and esoteric sciences, as well as for making jewelry (bracelets are the most popular). Volcanic lava cannot be damaged even by strong blows, with a special process it can be painted and does not release the color, so it is available in different colors. Due to its porosity, it absorbs ethereal oils whose smell gradually releases, e.g. lavender oil, which since ancient times has been called "the breath of an angel" because of its wonderful smell, relaxing and anti-stress effect, and in this way you have aroma therapy all the time while wearing jewelry made of volcanic lava. Another name for volcanic lava is basalt. That's what they called him in Ethiopia, where he started his first mine. Translated from the language of the local inhabitants, it means "boiled", which is quite consistent with the nature of the stone. Today, the largest finds are in the USA, Mexico, Mongolia and Italy and Russia. Volcanic lava gives wisdom and helps to achieve clarity of thought. It gives peace of mind, physical and energetic strength. It helps to fulfill wishes. It excludes bad thoughts. It warns of bad intentions and unscrupulous actions. Reveals hidden talents and abilities and brings the body into harmony with nature. Gives the ability to quickly adapt to changes. Do not take jewelry made of volcanic lava only as a decoration. It is a powerful energy tool that can contribute to the achievement of goals. Thus, jewelry made of volcanic lava is useful for people: Who have been subjected to an unfair accusation, Who cannot decide on an important step, Who are looking for help and support on the way to the goal, Who want to overcome shyness and indecision, Who suffer from loneliness and the dream of personal happiness, Who have had a conflict with the authorities, Who are prone to stress and DepressionCleaning and filling with volcanic lava: Wash it for a few minutes under running water, leave it overnight in the moonlight to be filled with lunar energy. Horoscope: Corresponds to all zodiac signs. Volcanic lava is combined with semi-precious stones, so you can determine which combination of volcanic and semi-precious stone or crystal you want.

Basic information: Coral is of organic origin, the skeleton of a living being, formed over thousands of years. Corals (lat. Anthozoa) are a class in the genus Anthozoa. The word anthozoa means "flowering animal". The color of coral, which makes coral so valuable, comes from the carotenoid pigment found in the skeleton. It used to be thought that it comes from iron, which is incorrect. Their hardness is 3. Corals are widespread in all the world's seas, where they can be found up to a depth of 6,000 meters. Species that live individually (solitary) are tied to a solid substrate or deeply buried in mud or sand. Corals that form colonies cover the substrate or form skeletons of various shapes. Species that live colonially build reefs. Other information: Today, corals are an endangered species, about 70 tons of them are caught annually in the Mediterranean. In order to prevent their extinction in recent years, they have been studied more and more and artificial cultivation has been started in order to preserve the ecology, and with their beauty and quality they are just like natural ones. One of these is the Indian bamboo coral (which we also use to make jewelry). .Processed into balls and cabochons.Coral colors: red, blue, yellow, white, pink orange, brown, black. Location: Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Polynesia, Australia, Canary Islands, South Pacific, Adriatic Sea. Points of interest: Corals according to the Greek legend of Perseus and Medusa, the coral was created from the severed head of Medusa. Legend has it that Perseus threw Medusa's severed head into the sea and her blood colored the algae and turned them into coral. Jewelry made of coral has been known since ancient times. The earliest evidence of the use of coral dates back to the Late Paleolithic period, around 20,000 BC. Coral ornaments have been found in Celtic Iron Age tombs. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used it as jewelry, and they decorated their palaces and dishes with coral patterns. North American Indians made beautiful jewelry from silver with turquoise and coral. In Christianity, coral symbolizes the blood and sacrifice of Christ, and the coral branch was considered an amulet against evil and is often depicted above the Virgin Mary. It is one of the seven jewels mentioned in Buddhist scriptures. , and Tibetan Lamas use coral rosaries. In Croatia, according to an ancient legend, corals were described as delicate flowers that turn to stone as soon as they are taken out of the sea. It was also believed that as soon as a little girl is born, a coral bracelet should be put on her arm to protect her from spells. According to beliefs, this irresistible stone is associated with happiness in marriage, so before marriage girls often decorated themselves with coral jewelry. Coral calms emotions, encourages a positive attitude, alleviates feelings of despair and despondency. With its power, it increases wisdom and awareness of the needs of the people around us. It has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships and strengthens the ability to give and receive. It strengthens friendship, encourages tenderness and romance and promotes positive communication. It gives courage and persistence in solving problems and encourages daring and taking risks. Coral is believed to contribute to success and prosperity, promote strength and flexibility, and generally bring happiness to the home. It successfully balances energy, eliminates depression, strengthens optimism and contributes to relaxation and tranquility. It is an excellent help for removing fears, restlessness, anxiety, as well as for eliminating all negative emotions. Coral is a well-known and valued amulet against accidents, infertility, injuries, falls. Cleaning and filling the coral: When it comes to maintenance, it is recommended to wipe it occasionally with a soft damp cloth. In case of loss of shine or minor scratches, you can take it to a jeweler for polishing, after which it will have a beautiful bright shine again. The coral is cleaned once a month in sea or salt water, and it does not need to be filled because it is filled with salt. Horoscope: Taurus, Scorpio, Aries

A stone of blessing and self-confidence, CITRINE has been valued since time immemorial as a gift from the Sun. As the stone of Mercury, the stone of the Messenger God, it contains within itself the pure morning light of the sun. In ancient Greece, it was worn against snake venom and bad thoughts. The Romans started making beautiful jewelry from citrine. It suddenly became popular during the Romantic era. Until the 16th century, "Citrine" was a collective term for all yellow stones, including topaz. It was seen as the stone of traders, it was believed to improve business communication, increase sales, attract money and business. The citrine crystal was placed in a cash register, wallet or with bills to increase assets. Due to the appearance of artificial Citrine obtained by thermal treatment of Amethyst, natural, transparent Citrine with golden tones is especially valued. Spiritual meaning: citrine is a stone of solar energy, it has the element of fire and projective energy. It helps us to move from a lower to a higher level of consciousness and get to know our true SELF. Airy and golden tones in citrine revive in our soul the fervor of creativity and the will for new knowledge. Warm energy encourages optimism and spiritual wealth. It acts as a filter and regenerator of energy and transfers heat to its wearer. It gives us peace, balance, inner harmony that affects our immunity. Promotes a good mood. Color: light to dark glassy yellow Horoscope: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius

Amber - the gold of the north. One of the most famous crystals, even among people who refuse to attach importance to crystals, is certainly amber. Amber is officially not a crystal, but the resin of extinct coniferous trees, over 50 million years old, which has hardened and fossilized, but it is believed that it has a similar effect to real crystals. Because of its golden-brown or yellow color, it is called "gold of the north", but there are also orange, red and white ones. It is the red amber that can be found in Mexico that is considered the most beautiful and the most expensive. Amber is for people known since prehistoric times. In the Stone Age it was used as a means of payment, and since antiquity it has been used as a medicine against headaches and toothaches, but also as a talisman against evil forces. It has always been valued as a powerful healer and purifier of the body and had a reputation for strengthening the immune system, reduces inflammation and helps heal wounds. The Romans believed that amber protects the body from injuries, and many gladiators wore it during fights. Benefits of amberBalti Czech amber is a well-known remedy against painful teething in children. It is used in the form of a necklace that is worn so that it touches the skin of the child. It promotes a positive state of mind, so it is often recommended to people who suffer from depression or anxiety. In Chinese medicine, amber powder is used against epilepsy. It attracts love into life and serves as a stone for happiness and protection. How to care for amber: Amber, like other crystals, should be regularly maintained through the procedures of emptying, cleaning and filling. Regular cleaning, emptying and charging the crystal activates its energy and brings it to full strength. Since amber absorbs pain and negative energy, it needs to be cleaned often, and then filled with healing energy again. wash it with some mild means, and wipe it with an ordinary cotton cloth. If your amber has lost its shine, just rub it a little with olive oil. Charging amber: Amber is very sensitive and does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it should be charged during the day light in the shade, or even better - in the morning and early evening when the sun is not strong. It is important to avoid charging at noon, when the sun's rays fall vertically on the ground. If the day is cloudy, you should remember that, regardless of the clouds, the sun still works and the crystals can still be energetically charged. Horoscope: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Desert Night is a semi-precious stone of a dark blue, almost black color, with sparkling glitters of bluish hues, reminiscent of the starry sky. The glittering particles inside it are copper or silver. It was mostly used in the Victorian era on brooches and jewelry. There are 3 legends related to its origin. The first is that sometime in the 1800s, an Italian monk was making glass and accidentally spilled copper particles on the molten glass. The second says that Desert Night was created in the same way in Italy, only in a glass factory in Murano. But the third says that the Desert Night was created by alchemists while trying to turn iron into gold. This stone is associated with happiness and abundance. Cleansing the desert night: It is cleaned under a jet of warm water or overnight in a container with water. Charging the desert night: It is charged overnight, but the night must be clear. Horoscope: Virgo, Cancer and Leo

Sunstone - a crystal of optimism and a natural antidepressant. Sunstone is a crystal of positive energy. Its powers have been recognized and appreciated since ancient times. The ancient Greeks believed that it restores the spirit and body and regularly used it to refresh, strengthen strength and vitality. a strong protector, and it was also famous as a stone that brings prosperity and abundance in all areas of life. In India, it served as an aid in getting rid of negative forces. For the ancient Vikings, it served as a compass for navigation during navigation. Even today, the popularity of the sun stone does not abate, which is supported by many testimonies about its positive effect. The deposits of this crystal are spread all over the world - from Australia to China, from India to America, while in Europe it is most represented in Norway. It occurs in yellow, orange, red and with brown tones. Strengthens positive energy. Sun crystal abounds in positive vibrations. The greatest emphasis is on its ability to relieve stress, tension problems, restlessness, sadness, as well as all kinds of phobias. It helps overcome depression and bad mood, and promotes a cheerful and cheerful approach to life. This crystal strengthens personal strength and energy in all areas of life. It contributes to a positive approach to problems and strengthens the will to solve them. Sunstone does not accept giving up, but encourages the desire to go one step further in every situation. It promotes the relaxation of the spirit, which contributes to general satisfaction, cheerfulness of life and ultimately to the quality of life itself. It encourages closeness between partners. Sunstone is a crystal of physical pleasure and closeness. Lighter specimens promote physical love, while darker ones deepen attachment and a sense of belonging. It helps in achieving and maintaining family harmony and togetherness. It contributes to friendship and understanding and satisfaction between partners. It helps with sexual dysfunction, stimulates excitement and increases sexual energy. A combination of lunar and solar stone especially works to strengthen attraction and sexual harmony between partners. Attracts abundance and business success. Sun crystal is known as a stone of abundance. With its energy, it attracts fame, unexpected prosperity and wealth. It encourages success and victory, so it is recommended to have it next to you when taking exams or during contests and competitions. Promotes creativity and originality, strengthens the sense of responsibility and improves organizational skills. a stone for a healthy mind and body. The sun stone strengthens stability, self-discipline and belief in one's own values. It encourages a sense of freedom and independence. It contributes to easier overcoming of pain and courageous facing of dangers and accidents. In situations of indecision and uncertainty, it offers clarity, shows the right path and contributes to the ability to make decisions and act. If you have a feeling of emptiness or lack of something in your life, the sunstone will point you to the positive aspects of life and with its energy help you feel better, happier and more fulfilled. This crystal is an inexhaustible source of strength in the fight against emotional addiction according to others. It is also of great help to those who have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. Cleaning the sunstone: clean the sunstone for a few minutes under a stream of lukewarm water or overnight in a bowl of water. Charging the sunstone: the sunstone loves the sun's rays and we charge it indefinitely in direct sunlight. Color: orange brown or red with shiny dots, glass there is a great Horoscope: Leo, Sagittarius

Aventurine green is a well-known semi-precious stone. Color: green from light to dark Horoscope: Cancer, AquariusSymbol: connection with natureSpiritual meaning: green aventurine symbolizes a permanent and unbreakable connection between man and nature. It is believed that it creates a sense of creativity, imagination, mental clarity, increases well-being, brings success in the career, and always helps us find an alternative solution in different situations. In tense situations, it restores your inner strength and peace. Aventurine is a stone that relaxes and gives tranquility to dreams. It is associated with the stone of luck in games of chance, it is called the crystal of wealth, success and happiness. It increases joy and creativity, Brings mental clarity, Helps us to become original and independent, Strengthens the qualities of a leader, Gives inner strength and removes fears, Removes trauma from of early childhood,Attracts money and wealth in all aspects,Protects us in negative environments,Helps us to spread positive energy and feel the joy of life,Contributes to relaxation so that we feel pleasure more easily.Cleaning of aventurine: aventurine is cleaned every 15 days for a few minutes under the jet liquid water or overnight in a container together with rock crystal. Filling of aventurine: we fill all types of aventurine directly and unlimitedly in the sun.

Onyx takes its name from the Greek language, where the word onyx means nail. Greek myth says that Cupid cut off the nails of the sleeping Aphrodite with an arrowhead and scattered them on beaches around the world. The Parks turned those nails into black stone so that not a single part of the divine body would be destroyed. The Greeks called this stone onyx, but it is not the same stone that we call onyx today. In some old Gnostic writings, it is written that Jesus Christ carried thirteen stones that represented the twelve apostles and him as the Teacher. Jesus carried a cross in the middle of which was an onyx. The ancient Romans made seals from onyx because wax did not stick to it. From the Renaissance onwards, this kind of onyx processing was used in jewelry making. In the Victorian era, black onyx jewelry was worn in times of mourning. Today's onyx deposits are in India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Egypt, Australia and Russia. Horoscope: Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius Spiritual meaning: onyx is a secret black stone under the influence of the planet Saturn. It is a crystal that is a symbol of inner concentration and submission. It is believed that it frees us from the debts of Karma and that there is an eternal path that leads us to truth, spiritual wisdom and spiritual liberation. On a spiritual level, it helps us develop self-control, spiritual maturity, by grounding and controlling unwanted energy, which it expels from the body. Onyx cleaning: onyx is cleaned under running water or overnight in a bowl of water together with a rock crystal. Onyx charging: onyx is charged indefinitely and directly in the sun, some authors recommend charging black onyx overnight in the ground or in a jar with flowers.

This crystal has been known since ancient times as a stone of nobility. This is exactly why it was highly valued in the past, and today it remains a symbol of refinement and beauty. The belief that this stone protects against alcohol addiction dates back to the ancient Greeks. The Greeks and Romans used amethyst against drunkenness by putting it in wine diluted with water. The legend about the color of amethyst says that the Greek god of wine Dionysus, due to a bad mood, decided to send his tigers to tear apart the first person who came across. The young girl Amethyst was approaching the temple of the goddess Diana, and when she saw that she was threatened by tigers, she cried out to the goddess. In order to save the girl, Diana turned her into a beautiful white stone. When Dionysus approached the stone, he felt sorry for what he had done, and poured wine on the stone, which gave the stone a beautiful purple color. In the 19th century, amethyst deposits were only on the territory of Russia. At that time, amethyst was very rare, and at that time it was on a par with sapphire and ruby. Whether its crystals are of natural form or polished and polished, amethyst is a gem that captivates at first glance. However, amethyst is not valued only for its beauty. but also because of its healing properties. Many healing powers are attributed to it, and it is especially famous as a spiritual healer. For connoisseurs of precious stones, the first association associated with amethyst is peace and tranquility, because it has a very positive effect on the nervous system. Amethyst eliminates negative emotions and contributes to the feeling calmness, tranquility, satisfaction and happiness. Amethyst is a great help in suppressing all kinds of addictions. Amethyst is mostly used in the form of jewelry. Amethyst maintenance: Like other crystals, amethyst needs to be periodically cleaned of negative energy, because as it has the positive energy it spreads, it also binds negative energy that needs to be eliminated from the crystal. One of the ways to clean the crystal is d and the stone is immersed in water to which rose petals have been added. The stone should be left immersed in that water for a day, which will cleanse it of the negative energy it has accumulated over time. 24 hours. This crystal, like all other crystals, needs to be recharged regularly, and amethyst is recharged in the ground, in the moonlight or next to a mountain crystal. Amethyst must not be exposed to strong sunlight because it can fade due to the action of ultraviolet radiation. Horoscope: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

Rose quartz is a well-known crystal named after its color. The largest deposits are in Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Kenya, Mozambique, Brazil, India, USA, Spain, Russia and Kazakhstan. The crystal from Mozambique is considered the most beautiful. In the Croatian language, it is also known as "Rose Quartz" or "Pink Quartz". Spiritual meaning: since ancient times, rose quartz has been a stone of heart and love. With its pink tones, it awakens tenderness, peace, friendship and selfless love in us. It encourages fidelity in love and friendship. It helps shy people to show their hidden feelings and opens the heart to everything beautiful around us. Its brilliance is the touch that every soul desires. It helps us find the way to spirituality, to art, especially to music that stimulates its vibrations and develops fantasy, inspiration, spiritual creations and the ability to look into the future. When we have problems in communication with people, he gives us patience, time and a way to find a solution in a normal way. It creates tolerance and understanding towards other opinions, views, behaviors and especially towards those who expand our life horizons. On the Path of Search, it protects us from all bad influences. During meditation, it opens our heart to universal love. It is recommended to always keep a larger piece of rose quartz near electrical appliances because it removes static electricity and electromagnetic radiation. It should be kept in all rooms where we spend more than one third of the day. Likewise, for a sound sleep, it is recommended to keep rose quartz near the bed along with black tourmaline and rock crystal. Medicinal properties: rose quartz works most effectively when placed on the heart chakra, where it cleans, soothes and strengthens everything related to the heart and caused by psychosomatic problems. Specifically, it regulates the heart rhythm, helps with insomnia, in the treatment of anemia, leukemia, thrombosis, heart attack and strengthens the heart muscle. Placed on the root chakra, it helps in the treatment of sexual problems and infertility, in both women and men. Rose quartz elixir neutralizes poisons, heals superficial skin wounds. We blood the skin with water and rose quartz pebble massage. Note - Rose quartz is not a pharmaceutical drug. rose quartz cleaning: rose quartz used for therapeutic treatment is cleaned under a jet of lukewarm water after each use. Rose quartz kept indoors should be cleaned with water once a week. rose quartz charging: rose quartz is a crystal that slowly loses its color and strength in the sun, that's why it charges for a long time out of the sun's rays. It revives its energy near another amethyst or rock crystal.

Minerals are determined by each Horoscope sign according to their chemical formula, color, hardness, composition. Color: milky white, bluish, yellowish, gray, orange, brown, silky luster Horoscope: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces Symbol: fertility, tenderness, intuition, holy stone love Spiritual meaning: the moonstone supports the inner development of the soul. Symbolizing feminine qualities such as fertility, tenderness, intuition, it is generally believed to be the "stone of Holy Love". It helps to understand love in the true sense and feeling. Under its influence, we merge with nature and its laws. It alleviates insensitivity and harshness. For women, the moonstone is a spiritual guide, which leads them through meditation to the most secret and deepest places of their femininity. It helps girls develop the first qualities of attractive femininity and remove insecurities in first love situations. Afterwards, it removes emotional barriers that get in the way of love relationships and marriage. We can practically use the moonstone on all chakras, on the crown chakra it develops a constant feeling of meditation. On the heart chakra, it heals emotional problems caused by unrequited love. His proximity gives tenderness, spiritual need and concern for others. Medicinal properties: moonstone relieves pain during the entire pregnancy until childbirth. In nursing mothers, it helps the production of breast milk if it is kept on the chest, and it regulates hormonal problems. When you place one stone on the sacral chakra and one on the fallopian tube area, it regulates the balance, eliminates and alleviates menstrual diseases, and helps older women overcome depression during menopause. It has a preventive effect on the prevention of breast and uterine tumors. In some cultures, women put moonstone in their hair to strengthen the scalp. At the heart chakra, it regulates blood sugar, cleans the blood, and stimulates the production of insulin. On the larynx chakra, it removes or eases speech blockages, heals vocal cords and thyroid problems. In the root chakra, it enhances the work of the sexual organs. Moonstone harmonizes the work of the lymph gland and prevents swelling. Note - the Moonstone crystal is not a pharmaceutical drug, but its ingredients are used to make drugs. Cleaning the moonstone: after each use, we clean the moonstone for a few minutes under running water or overnight in a container of water together with a rock crystal. Necklaces or pendants are cleaned only once a month, overnight in a dry container together with hematite stones. Moonstone charging: moonstone is charged in the moonlight or preferably during the beginning of the waxing of the moon or the full moon.

Turquoise is a mineral that has been valued by all civilizations. It takes its name from the French word for the country of Turkey. Crusaders brought it to Europe from Turkey. In the Ottoman Empire or the Orient, turquoise is a lucky stone. The Arabs call turquoise fayruz or firuzaj, which means "lucky stone". The Aztecs, Egyptians and Tibetans valued it for its magical powers as a sacred stone. Status in society was determined by the wealth of turquoise. For the Indians, turquoise is a guardian of the body against various misfortunes, North American Indians believe that turquoise connects the spirits of the sky and the spirits of the sea. In southern Iran, turquoise is a talisman against poverty. The ancient Romans attributed great healing properties to blue turquoise. Doctors in ancient Rome wore turquoise on their little finger and believed that it could cure any disease. The ancient Persians believed that turquoise jewelry protected against illness and misfortune. In Europe, blue turquoise was worn by kings on their crowns as protection. Turquoise is an excellent material for jewelry making. The largest deposits are in Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, China, USA, India, Tibet, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Egypt. Color: sky blue to blue green, opaque, waxy Horoscope: Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces Spiritual meaning: turquoise is a symbol of blue sky and sea. It is valued as a sacred stone. With its spectrum of colors, it brings our soul closer to pure feeling, thinking and behavior. It is capable of breaking down our negative thoughts and feelings even earlier than they are anchored in our subconscious. The special combination of its green and blue colors helps us keep our spiritual ideals in balance with the Earth's life energy, or in popular terms it shows us how to live with our head in the clouds and our feet firmly on the ground. It gives us wisdom and the secrets of heaven, water and earth, thus helping us to integrate ideas into practical life. Turquoise creates a strong field of action around our body and thus protects us from negative energies. It is considered to be an excellent guardian against black magic and all harmful influences. Turquoise has an unusual property, when bad situations or loss of health occur, it warns us of changes by changing its color. Blue color darkens and grayish green. The natural color is baked once a month in a dry container with hematite crystals. Sensitive to sudden temperature changes, sweat, cosmetics, oil, soap and acids. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it permanently on the body. In case of color change, it should be cleaned and filled immediately. Turquoise filling: because of its hypersensitivity, turquoise is filled in daylight but out of direct sunlight. In direct sunlight, it only charges when it suddenly changes its color. It is loaded with rock crystal and copper nuggets.

Tiger's eye is a stone that is rightly at the top of the list of the world's favorite crystals. It is recognizable by its stunning alternating layers of golden and brown colors. Crystal lovers are especially enchanted by these warm shades, as well as its silky shine and smooth and fibrous structure. Its most famous sites are South Africa, Australia, the USA, Canada and Asia (the area of Burma and India). Tiger's eye through history: In history, this stone was renowned as one of the most powerful talismans. It was worn for protection against spells, curses, bad luck and all kinds of evil. The gold color was traditionally considered the color of kings and wealth, so it was believed that the shades of this stone attract luck, wealth, power and success. A crystal that strongly protects your health: The tiger's eye crystal contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive, reproductive and nervous systems. It is known for its beneficial effect on the liver and bile. It treats migraines, suppresses asthma and helps with angina, bronchitis and sinus congestion. It promotes detoxification of the body, prevents hair loss and improves the beauty and health of nails. The tiger's eye has a motivating effect on learning and mastering new knowledge. It strengthens concentration, the ability to think and reason, and is therefore a great help in studying, taking exams and mastering various other mental tasks. It attracts luck, money and success. as a magnet for luck, money and well-being. This belief has been maintained to this day. In general, it protects the financial undertakings and decisions of those who are in daily contact with money, such as traders, bankers, etc. It also contributes to perseverance, for example in giving up bad and unhealthy food, drinks, cigarettes or other vices. This crystal is very durable and resistant to scratches. However, it is sensitive to some acids, so it is recommended to remove jewelry made of this stone when it comes into contact with e.g. household cleaning solvents. It is especially recommended to keep it away from strong chemicals and cleaning agents such as which are bleach, ammonia or sulfuric acid. This precious crystal is the birthstone for people born under the signs of Capricorn, Virgo, Leo and Gemini and can help the zodiac signs to express their qualities. It is also good to wear to soften your flaws and work on them. Capricorns, Virgos, Leos and Geminis are people who have many desires, ideas and ambitions, and Tiger's Eye will help them get an insight into what is best for them.